Import Non-DICOM Image Files OptosAdvance

Sets of Non-DICOM files may be uploaded to OptosAdvance for one patient study at a time by following the instructions below.

  1. From within OptosAdvance, select Upload from the toolbar

    OA Uploading Non DICOM Images Upload

  2. Select Upload non-DICOM files

    OA Uploading Non DICOM Images Upload Files

  3. Drag the non-DICOM files from your system into the rectangle or select Choose filesOA Uploading Non DICOM Images Choose Files
    Note: You can upload multiple photos of one patient to OptosAdvance by selecting them all for import. For multiple patients, this process must be done individually.
  4. Select Next after choosing the non-DICOM file(s)

    OA Uploading Non DICOM Images Next

Download the full instructions on how to upload non-DICOM Images and Files into OptosAdvance. A full help file can be found within your OptosAdvance instance.  


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