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optomap Guided OCT Improves Patient Management (updated 2024)
Recent studies demonstrate the new Silverstone imaging device, which combines ultra-widefield fundus capture with optomap guided SS-OCT, can improve patient management and change treatment decisions.
optomap Improves Clinic Efficiency
A study conducted at a prominent research university, found a 28 minute (33%) reduction in patient visit duration after implementing centralized optomap imaging.
Multimodal optomap retinal imaging enhances the management of age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Multi-modal optomap retinal imaging enhances the management of age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Defining Ultra-Widefield
The International Widefield Imaging Study Group defines Ultra-widefield v Widefield retinal images.
optomap Multimodality UWF Imaging that Improves Clinical Practice
optomap Multimodality UWF Imaging that Improves Clinical Practice
optomap Registered OCT can Increase the Sensitivity and Efficiency of Exam
The integration of SD-OCT with ultra-widefield imaging with the Optos Monaco device markedly increased detection of macular pathology by 29.4% and reduced false positive assessments of diabetic macular edema and macular pathology in a telemedicine program.
Morphology and incidence of drusen-like deposits in peripheral retina of eyes with high myopia
Determining the morphology and incidence of peripheral drusen-like deposits in eyes with pathological myopia using UWF fundus photographs and UWF OCT images.
Ultra-Widefield–Guided Swept-Source OCT Findings of Peripheral Vitreoretinal Abnormality in Young Myopes
The thickness changes of retina in high myopia patients during the third trimester of pregnancy: a pilot study