Manage Work Items OptosAdvance

These materials cover training for OptosAdvance on how to manage folders and worklist in the software. A full help file can be found within your OptosAdvance instance.

Manage folders

You can use a folder to create a collection of studies that you want to view as a group. You select the specific studies you want to include in a folder. For example, you can use a folder to group studies that you want to review in a collaboration session with other users. The studies are not actually moved to the folder; the folder just provides you with an easy way to access them.

Learn more on Managing Folders in OptosAdvance here.

Download* instructions on how to use a folder to create a collection of studies that you want to view as a group.

*Please log in to CustomerCentral or create an account to download the instructions above.

Manage worklists

You can use a worklist to create a collection of studies that you want to view as a group. The studies in a worklist are selected based on the data source and conditions you set. For example, you could create a worklist that includes all studies with a specific modality that originate from a specific data source.

Every time you access a worklist, the worklist is automatically updated to include any new studies that meet the worklist conditions. The studies are not actually moved to the worklist; the worklist just provides you with an easy way to access them.

Learn more on Managing Worklists in OptosAdvance here.

Download* instructions on how to use a folder to create a collection of studies that you want to view as a group.

*Please log in to CustomerCentral or create an account to download the instructions above.


Additional Help

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