Recognizing Pathology
- Case Studies
- California - Active Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, RGB, FA
- California - Acute Central Retinal Artery Occlusion, RG, RGB, BAF
- California - Acute Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy (AMPPE), RG, AF
- California - Acute Retinal Necrosis with Repaired RD, PVR, CME and Silicone Oil, RG RGB, AF
- California - Acute Zonal Occult Outer Retinopathy (AZOOR), RG, AF, ICG
- California - Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Peripheral Drusen, Media Opacity RG, FA, ICG
- California - AMD with Geographic Atrophy, RG, AF, RGB
- California - AMD, Full steer, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Amelanotic Choroidal Nevus, RG, RGB, AF, FA
- California - Angioid Streaks with Macular Druen and Peripheral Drusen, RG, AF, FA
- California - Arteriovenous Malformation, RG, AF
- California - Asteroid Hyalosis with Heme, RG, AF, FA
- California - Atrophic AMD with Geographic Atrophy, RG, AF, FA, ICG
- California - Atypical Scarring with Possible Inherited Retinal Disease, RG, RGB, AF, BAF, FA
- California - Bear Tracks, RG, AF
- California - Best's Disease, Pediatric, RG, AF
- California - Best's Disease, RG, AF
- California - Best's Disease, RG, AF, FA
- California - Bilateral Peripheral Nevus - Full steer - RG, RGB,
- California - Bilateral Vitreous Hemorrhage - Full steer - RG, RGB, AF
- California - Blonde fundus - Montage - RG, RGB, AF
- California - Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion, RG, AF, FA
- California - Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO), RG
- California - Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion with ME, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion, RG, RGB, AF
- California - BRVO with Macular Edema, RG, RGB, AF
- California - BRVO with Macular Edema, RG, RGB, FA
- California - Bullous Retinal Detachment - Montage, RG, RGB
- California - Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO) with CME, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Central Retinal Vein Occlusion RGB
- California - Central Retinal Vein Occlusion, RG, RGB, FA
- California - Central Serous Chorioretinopathy with Possible Vasculitis, AF, FA
- California - Central Serous Chorioretinopathy with Possible Vasculitis, RG, FA, ICG
- California - Central Serous Chorioretinopathy, FA
- California - Central Serous Chorioretinopathy, RG, AF
- California - Central Serous Chorioretinopathy, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Central Serous Retinopathy, RG, RGB, AF, ICG
- California - Chorioretinal Scarring, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Chorioretinal Scarring, RG, RGB, AF, BAF
- California - Choroidal Melanoma - Montage, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Choroidal Melanoma post Plaque, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Choroidal Melanoma, RG, AF
- California - Choroidal Metastasis, RG, AF
- California - Choroidal Neovascular Membrane, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Choroidal Nevus, RG, AF
- California - Choroidal Nevus, RG, AF
- California - Choroidal Nevus, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Choroidal Nevus, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Choroidal Nevus, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Choroidal Nevus, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Choroidal Nevus,RG, RB, AF, BAF
- California - Choroidal Osteoma, RG, AF
- California - Coats Disease, RG, RGB, FA with Transit Phase
- California - Cone-Rod Dystrophy, RG, AF, FA
- California - Congenital Hypertrophy of the RPE with Macular Drusen, RG, RGB
- California - Degenerative Retinoschisis - Montage - RG, RGB, AF, BAF
- California - Degenerative Retinoschisis, RG, RGB
- California - Diabetes Type 2 with no Ocular Complications, RG, RGB
- California - Diabetic Macular Edema with Ozurdex Implant, RG, AF
- California - Diabetic Retinopathy with PRP, RG
- California - Diabetic Retinopathy with Vitreous Traction, RG, RGB
- California - Diabetic Retinopathy, RG
- California - Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, RGB, AF, FA
- California - Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, RGB, AF, ICG
- California - Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, RGB, AF, ICG
- California - Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, RGB, FA
- California - Disseminated Chorioretinitis with Macular Drusen, RG, RGB, FA
- California - Dot/Blot Hemorrhage, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Dry AMD with Geographic Atrophy and Cobblestone Degeneration, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Early AMD with Nevus, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Early PDR with Severe Retinal Hemes, RG, RGB, FA
- California - Ectopic Choroidal Neovascularization, RG, RGB
- California - Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration, RG, RGB, AF, ICG
- California - Glaucoma Suspect - Stereo, RG, AF
- California - Gyrate Atrophy, RG, AF
- California - Healthy, RG, AF, RGB
- California - Healthy, RG, AF, RGB
- California - Hemi Retinal Vein Occlusion, RG, AF, FA
- California - Hereditary Dystrophy, RG, AF, FA, ICG
- California - Horseshoe Tears Pre laser, RG
- California - Hyperviscosity Retinopathy from Myeloma, RG
- California - Hyperviscosity Retinopathy from Myeloma, RG
- California - Hyperviscosity Retinopathy from Myeloma, RG
- California - Idiopathic Choroidal Folds, RG, RGB, BAF
- California - Idiopathic Macular Neovascularization, RG, RGB, AF, BAF
- California - Idiopathic Macular Neovascularization, RG, RGB, BAF
- California - Inactive Acute Retinal Necrosis, RG, RGB, AF, BAF
- California - Intermediate AMD, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Intermediate Dry AMD with Benign Choroidal Nevus, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Intraretinal Hemorrhage, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Involuted PDR, RG, RGB
- California - Involuted PDR, RG, RGB, FA
- California - IRMA and Non-Perfusion, RG, AF, FA
- California - Irvine Gass Syndrome and Epiretinal Membrane, RG, AF, RGB
- California - Juxtapapillary Choroidal Melanoma in Macula, FA, ICG
- California - Large Pars Plana Cysts - Steered, RG
- California - Laser Demarcated Retinal Detachment - Montage, RG, RGB
- California - Laser Demarcated Retinal Detachment, CHRPE - Montage, RG, RGB
- California - Lasered Hole - Montage, RG, RGB
- California - Lattice Degeneration - Montage, RG, RGB
- California - Lattice Degeneration, RG
- California - Lattice with Prior Laser in Far Periphery, RG, RGB
- California - Leukemia with Retinal Heme, RG, AF
- California - Lyme Retinopathy, RG, FA
- California - Lymphoma, RG, AF
- California - Macular Dystrophy, RG, AF, FA, ICG
- California - Macular Neovascularization, RG, RGB, AF, ICG
- California - Malignant Melanoma with Brachytherapy, RG, AF
- California - MCP Vasculitis, RG, AF, ICG
- California - Melanoma with Brachytherapy, RG, AF
- California - MEWDS, RG, AF, FA, ICG
- California - MEWDS, RG, AF, FA, ICG
- California - Mild Coats Disease, RG, RGB, FA
- California - Mild Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with Macular Edema, RG
- California - Moderate Non-proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, RGB, FA
- California - Morning Glory Disc Anomaly with Retinal Detachment, RG, AF
- California - Morning Glory Syndrome, RG, AF, FA
- California - Morning Glory Syndrome, RG, AF, FA
- California - Multifocal Birdshot Chorioretinopathy, RG, AF, AF, ICG
- California - Myelinated Nerve Fiber Layer, RG, RGB
- California - Neovascular AMD with Inactive CNV, AF
- California - Neovascular AMD with Inactive CNV, RG, RGB
- California - Neovascular AMD with Inactive CNV, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Neovascular AMD with Inactive CNV, RG, RGB, AF, FA
- California - Neovascular AMD, RG, RGB, AF, FA
- California - Neovascular AMD, RG, RGB, AF, FA
- California - Neovascular AMD, RG, RGB, FA, AF
- California - Nevus with Drusen, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Nonexudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration with Geographic Atrophy, RG, RBG, AF, BAF
- California - Nonexudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration with Geographic Atrophy, RG, RGB, AF, BAF
- California - Nonexudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration with Geographic Atrophy, RG, RGB, AF, BAF
- California - Nonexudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration with Geographic Atrophy, RG, RGB, AF, BAF
- California - Nonexudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration with Geographic Atrophy, RG, RGB, AF, BAF
- California - Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Severe, RG, RGB, FA
- California - Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with Lipid, RG, RGB
- California - Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Normal (Young), RG, RGB, AF
- California - Normal, RG, RGB
- California - Ocular Ischemic Syndrome, RG, AF, FA
- California - Optic Nerve Coloboma, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Optic Nerve Head Drusen, RG, AF
- California - Papilledema, RG, AF
- California - PDR with PRP, RG, RGB, FA
- California - Peripapillary Atrophy with Chronic Partial Retinal Detachment and Atrophic Retinal Hole, RG, AF, RGB
- California - Peripapillary Pachychoroid Syndrome, RG, RGB, AF, ICG
- California - Peripheral Drusen with Long Term Plaquenil Monitoring, RG, RGB
- California - Peripheral Drusen, RG, RGB
- California - Peripheral Retinal Degeneration, RG, RGB
- California - Peripheral Retinal Holes with Lattice Degeneration, RG, AF
- California - Peripheral Retinal Tear, RG
- California - Placoid Syphilis, RG, RGB
- California - Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy, ICG
- California - Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy, ICG
- California - Posterior Uveitis with Vitreous Haze, RG, AF
- California - Primary Open Angle Glaucoma and Repaired Macula-On Retinal Detachment, RG, AF, RGB
- California - Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy RG, RGB, AF
- California - Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with NVD, RG, RGB, AF, FA
- California - Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with PRP, RG, RGB
- California - Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with PRP, RG, RGB
- California - Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, AF, FA
- California - Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, RGB, AF, FA
- California - Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, RGB, AF, FA
- California - Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, RGB, FA
- California - Prolific Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, AF, FA
- California - Purtscher's-like Retinopathy, RG, FA, ICG
- California - Radiated Uveal Malignant Melanoma with Post-Plaque Scatter Laser for Radiation Retinopathy, RG, RGB, BAF
- California - Radiation Retinopathy with Choroidal Melanoma, RG, RGB, FA
- California - RD with Macular Neovascularization, RG, RGB
- California - Repaired Recurrent Retinal Detachment with PVR, RG, AF, RGB
- California - Repaired Retinal Detachment, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Retinal Break and Retinal Detachment, RG
- California - Retinal Degeneration, RG, AF
- California - Retinal Detachment - Montage, RG, RGB
- California - Retinal Detachment with Horseshoe Tear, RG, AF
- California - Retinal Detachment with Superior Macula-Off, RG
- California - Retinal Detachment, Pediatric, RG
- California - Retinal Detachment, RG
- California - Retinal Detachment, RG
- California - Retinal Detachment, RG
- California - Retinal Detachment, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Retinal Hole with Horseshoe Tear, RG, AF, FA
- California - Retinal Hole, RG
- California - Retinal Hole, RG
- California - Retinal Neovascularization, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Retinal Tear with Posterior Uveitis, RG, RGB
- California - Retinal Vein Occlusion, RG, AF, FA, ICG
- California - Retinitis Pigmentosa - Full steer - RG, RGB, AF
- California - Retinitis Pigmentosa with Birdshot Retinopathy, RG, AF
- California - Retinitis Pigmentosa, RG, AF, FA
- California - Retinitis Pigmentosa, RG, AF, FA
- California - Retinitis Pigmentosa, RG, RGB
- California - Retinitis Pigmentosa, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Retinoblastoma, Pediatric, RG
- California - Retinopathy of Prematurity with Brushed Boarders, RG, FA
- California - Retinoschisis, RG
- California - Retinoschisis, RG, RGB
- California - Retinoschisis, RG, RGB, AF, FA
- California - Retinoschsis - Montage - RG, RGB
- California - RVO, FA
- California - RVO, FA
- California - RVO, RG, RGB
- California - RVO, RG, RGB, FA
- California - Scar with Congenital Hypertrophy of the RPE, RG, RGB, BAF
- California - Scleral Buckle, RG
- California - Severe Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, AF, FA
- California - SMH from POHS, RG, AF, FA, ICG
- California - Stargardt's Disease, RG, AF, FA
- California - Stargardt's Disease, RG, FA
- California - Stickler Syndrome, RG, AF
- California - Subhyaloid Hemorrhage, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Swollen Nerve, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Treated Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Treated Retinal Holes, RG, RGB
- California - Treated RVO, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Tuberculous Serpiginoid Chorioretinopathy, RG, AF
- California - Uveitic Glaucoma - Stereo - RG, AF
- California - Uveitis, RG, AF, FA
- California - Uveitis, RG, AF, FA, ICG
- California - Valsalva Retinopathy, RG, AF
- California - Viteliform Macular Dystrophy, RG, AF
- California - Vogt Koyanagi Harada Disease (VKH), RG, AF, RGB
- California - Wet AMD with Macular Edema, Subretinal Hemorrhage and SRF, RG, RGB, AF
- California - Wet AMD with Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, FA
- California - Wet AMD with Retinoschisis, RG, RGB, AF
- California - White without Pressure (WWOP), RG
- California - White Without Pressure, Dark Without Pressure - Montage, RG, RGB
- Daytona - Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, AF
- Daytona - Far Peripheral Crystalline Deposits, RG, AF
- Daytona - Healthy Retina - Stereo - RG
- Daytona - Healthy Retina, RG, AF
- Daytona - Healthy Retina, RG, AF
- Daytona - Healthy Retina, RG, AF
- Daytona - Peripheral Degeneration - Stereo - RG
- Daytona - Toxoplasmosis, RG, AF
- Monaco - Advanced Glaucoma, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Advanced Glaucoma, RG, OCT
- Monaco - AMD with CNV, RG, AF, OCT
- Monaco - AMD with CNV, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Central Serous Retinopathy, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Diabetic Macular Edema with Ozurex Implant, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Diabetic Retinopathy with DME and NVE, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Diabetic Retinopathy with DME, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Diabetic Retinopathy with Macular Edema, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Dry AMD with IOL and ERM, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Dry AMD with IOL and ERM, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Dry AMD with Macular Edema, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Dry AMD, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Early AMD with Drusen, RG, AF, OCT
- Monaco - Epiretinal Membrane RG, AF, OCT
- Monaco - Epiretinal Membrane, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Exudative Macular Degeneration with Cataract, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Exudative Macular Degeneration, Post Avastin Injection, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Glaucoma with Deep Cup and Macular Pucker, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Glaucoma with Superior Field Defect, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Glaucoma with Wedge Defect, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Glaucoma, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Glaucoma, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Glaucoma, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Glaucoma, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Glaucoma, RG, Stereo, OCT
- Monaco - Glaucoma, RG, Stereo, OCT
- Monaco - Hemi Retinal Vein Occlusion, RG, AF, OCT
- Monaco - Horseshoe Tear with Vitreous Floaters and Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, AF
- Monaco - Lattice Degeneration with Glaucoma, RG
- Monaco - Lattice Degeneration with White Without Pressure, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Macular Pseudohole, RG
- Monaco - Macular Pucker, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Macular Pucker, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Myopia, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with PPL, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Normal, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Normal, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Normal, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Normal, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Normal, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Operculated Retinal Hole with White without Pressure (WWOP), RG, OCT
- Monaco - PDR with DME, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Peripheral Atrophy, RG
- Monaco - Peripheral Atrophy, RG
- Monaco - Peripheral Hemorrhage, RG
- Monaco - Peripheral Lesion, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Peripheral Pigmented Lesion, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Pigment Epithelial Detachment with Peripheral Degeneration, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Pigment Epithelial Detachment, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Pigment Epithelial Detachment, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Posterior Vitreous Detachment, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Presumed Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome (POHS), RG, OCT
- Monaco - Pseudo Hole, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Pseudo Macular Hole, RG, AF, OCT
- Monaco - Retinal Detachment, RG, AF, OCT
- Monaco - Retinal Hole, RG
- Monaco - Retinal Pigment Epithelium Hyperplasia with White without Pressure (WWOP), RG, OCT
- Monaco - Vitreous Floaters, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Wet AMD with Drusen and PVD, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Wet AMD with Macular Drusen and Sub-Retinal Fluid, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Wet AMD with Macular Drusen and Sub-Retinal Fluid, RG, OCT
- Monaco - Wet AMD with Macular Drusen and Sub-Retinal Fluid, RG, OCT
- Silverstone - Active Prolific Diabetic Retinopathy with DME, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - AMD with Geographic Atrophy, RG, OCT
- Silverstone - AMD with Retinal Detachment, RG, AF
- Silverstone - Atypical Retinal Schisis, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Best's Disease with Hereditary Retinal Dystrophy, RG, AF, ICG
- Silverstone - Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO) with Macular Edema, RG, ICG
- Silverstone - Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion with Disciform Scar, RG, FA, OCT
- Silverstone - BRVO with Nevus - Full steer - RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Central Serous Retinopathy, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Central Serous Retinopathy, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Central Serous with Schisis and Amaurosis Fugax, RG, AF
- Silverstone - Choroidal Rupture with Vitreous Hemorrhage, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Coat's Disease with Post Op Posterior Vitreous Detachment, RG, AF, FA, OCT
- Silverstone - Congenital Hypertrophy of the RPE, RG
- Silverstone - Diabetic Macular Edema with Active PDR, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Dry AMD with ERM, RG, OCT
- Silverstone - Dry AMD with Neoplasm of the Choroid (benign), RG, FA
- Silverstone - Epiretinal Membrane with Retinal Detachment, RG, OCT
- Silverstone - Far Peripheral Crystalline Deposits, RG, OCT
- Silverstone - Far Peripheral Tear, RG, OCT
- Silverstone - Lattice Degeneration with Retinal Break (repaired), RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Lattice Degeneration with Retinoschisis, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Macular Hole, RG, OCT
- Silverstone - Nevus with Fluid, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Nevus with Post op cataract, RG, AF, FA, OCT
- Silverstone - Pavingstone Degeneration, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Peripapillary Atrophy, RG, OCT
- Silverstone - Peripheral Choroidal Nevus, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Peripheral Retinoschisis, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Posterior Vitreous Detachment, RG, OCT
- Silverstone - Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Prolific Diabetic Retinopathy with ERM, RG, ICG
- Silverstone - Pseudo Hole, RG, OCT
- Silverstone - Repaired Horseshoe Tear, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Retinal Dystrophy with High Myope, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Retinal Hole, RG, AF
- Silverstone - Retinal Hole, RG, OCT
- Silverstone - Retinal Vein Occlusion, RG, FA, OCT
- Silverstone - Retinoschisis with Cobblestone Degeneration, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Retinoschisis with Foveal Attachment, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Retinoschisis, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Senile Retinoschisis, RG
- Silverstone - Sickle Cell Disease, RG, AF, FA, OCT
- Silverstone - Tractional Retinal Detachment with Silicone Oil, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Traumatic Choroidal Rupture, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Treated Operculated Retinal Hole with Retinoschisis and White without Pressure (WWOP), RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Uveal Melanoma with Chorioretinal Scars, RG, AF, OCT
- Silverstone - Wet AMD with Sub Retinal Fluid - Full Steer - RG, AF
- Silverstone - Wet AMD with Sub Retinal Fluid, RG, AF, FA, ICG, OCT