The Retina – A Window to Alzheimer’s Disease

Posted on Friday, July 20, 2018

In a novel study from Queen’s University Belfast, researchers demonstrate that the eye could be a window to the brain. The results of the study, recently published in the Journal of Ophthalmic Research, show how degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) can be monitored via ultra-widefield (UWF) retinal imaging.  The retina is a part of the central nervous system and shares structural and functional features with the brain. Altogether 59 AD patients and 48 controls were entered into the study.  They were imaged utilizing ultra-widefield imaging from Optos.  This advanced technology, using red and green lasers, captures a 200 degree, high-resolution digital image of the retina in less than ½  second, reaching regions of the retina that have been previously inaccessible with other methods of imaging.

Measuring biomarkers, such as drusen and vasculature width gradients in delineated quadrants of the retina, the researchers found that these changes, particularly in the peripheral retina, could be associated with degenerative brain conditions such as AD. Specifically, the markers that were chiefly considered were drusen and vasculature changes. Drusen are deposits of fats, minerals, and proteins and are normal symptoms of aging that appear as yellowish spots in the layer beneath the …


July is Fireworks Safety Month – Leave the Shows to the Pros!

Posted on Thursday, July 12, 2018

Although July 4th, or Independence Day, has come and gone, there is a good possibility that some of us have a few extra sparklers, or an “All the fireworks are gone, kids – time for bed!” stash of leftovers hidden behind the stale pretzels in the top cupboard.  July is Fireworks Eye Safety Month, and because fireworks sometimes become a part of many year-round celebrations, it is an excellent opportunity to clarify our understanding of the do’s and don’ts of pyrotechnic use.

While the thrill many of us derive from the thunderous booms and brilliant blooms of fireworks is undeniable, so are the sobering statistics that accompany these displays.

In recent years, in June and July alone, over 6000 fireworks related injuries occur and over 20% of those are eye injuries.  These injuries can range from temporary or more superficial issues to severe, life altering injuries including burns and bleeding in the eye, retinal detachments, and even a ruptured globe or blindness.  Many of these injuries occur to those who are not even handling the fireworks and, even more distressing is that frequently these injuries afflict children.Prevent Blindness America and the American Academy of Blindness sponsor July as Fireworks Eye …


optomap Efficiencies in the Refractive Arena

Posted on Tuesday, June 26, 2018

As the US population ages, the rate of cataract procedures has correspondingly increased.  By 2050 an estimated 83.7 million people in the US will be 65 and over. Due to the improvements in safety, speed and refractive outcomes of cataract surgery, the number of procedures has dramatically increased over the last 30 years.  Additionally, there has been a significant increase in the incidences of patients opting for cataract procedures before the age of 65. The expanding longevity of this aging demographic results in higher expectations that premium intraocular lens will provide continued good vision for decades.

A recent paper from Assil Eye Institute and Batra Vision in California reviews the role of ultra-widefield imaging as a standard assessment tool in cataract procedure.  This review demonstrates the value of UWF imaging as a complement to standard approaches for a comprehensive evaluation of retinal health prior to and following cataract surgery.  Evaluating the retina prior to, and after, surgery is critical for optimal outcomes. Being able to identify any pathologies before that might adversely affect or delay surgery, as well as, the high expectations for sustained positive visual outcomes from the younger demographic opting for surgery, makes a thorough …


optomap Screening Reveals Cataract in Unsuspecting Doctor

Posted on Monday, June 18, 2018

While the exact causes of cataracts are still not entirely understood, annual eye exams are still important for the diagnoses and treatment of their formation.  Even with precautions and regular exams, by the year 2020, more than 30 million Americans are expected to develop cataracts.

Most cataracts occur gradually as we age and don’t become bothersome until after age 55. However, cataracts can also be present at birth (congenital cataracts) or occur at any age as the result of an injury to the eye (traumatic cataracts). Cataracts can also be caused by diseases such as diabetes or can occur as the result of long-term use of certain medications.  While typically forming in both eyes, cataracts may not grow at the same rate. They can develop slowly or quickly, or progress to a certain point, then not get any worse. As a result, one may not notice substantial changes in their sight. Sometimes they can significantly precede symptoms and can be so subtle as to go unnoticed without a comprehensive eye exam.

When Vince Young, OD introduced Daytona, into his practice, he volunteered to be the imaging guinea pig while his staff trained on the device.  He was unnerved …


Let’s Clear the Fog – June is Cataract Awareness Month!

Posted on Tuesday, June 12, 2018

June is Cataract Awareness Month and while many people may consider cataracts to simply be an inevitable aspect of aging, there is a great deal more to know and understand. Cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss in the United States, and the leading cause of blindness in the world. Although 24 million Americans over the age of 40 are affected by cataracts, the condition is more complex and nuanced than most may realize.

A cataract is an opacification of the natural lens, which inhibits or distorts the passage of light into the eye. The lens, located behind the pupil and iris, is typically transparent and transmits light onto the retina – the resulting signals become pictures in the brain.

Almost all of us realize and accept that as we age, we are likely to develop a cataract. However, the exact causes are still not entirely understood. Besides the natural aging process, there are several other possible risk factors for cataracts, such as:

Intense heat or long-term exposure to UV rays from the sun Certain diseases, such as diabetes Inflammation in the eye Hereditary influences Events before birth, such as German measles in the mother Long-term steroid use Eye …


UWF Imaging Assists in Discovery and Follow-Up Care of Blunt Eye Trauma

Posted on Monday, May 21, 2018

When 29-year-old Emmy came to see Uwe Canting, OD at Canting Optometry in Cary, NC, she was relatively certain that her eye was fine, but wanted to seek reassurance from her optometrist.  Emmy had received a high-impact, full-blown soccer ball to the eye during a soccer match the preceding day and while having no symptoms other than slight discomfort from the bruising, she realized that the impact was severe enough that something unseen may have occurred.

Canting notes that Emmy presented with a black eye OD, while her visual acuity was 20/20.  “The eye itself looked fine. Other than the ecchymosis, there were no immediate concerns. There was no apparent subconjunctival hemorrhage and no recession of the iris.  But, while dilated, I could see instantly that it was not normal and decided to capture an optomap image.  Sure enough, the image clearly showed the whitish sheen of Commotio retinae superiorly temporal.”  Canting recalls, “The beauty of this situation was that I had her optomap image from her last visit and I could show her, clearly and tangibly, what had occurred in her eye.”

He adds that optomap has proved to be extremely valuable for patient education in a variety of …


May is UV Awareness Month – Be Wise and Protect Your Eyes!

Posted on Friday, May 11, 2018

As summer draws near, most of us long for the glorious warmth of the sun and we dream about, and plan for, the recreation we will enjoy. Unfortunately, while awareness of the importance of sunscreen and UV protective clothing has increased, the impacts of all that fun-in-the-sun on the eyes is still often overlooked.  Most people do not realize that 20% of all cataracts are the result of UV ray exposure, and that number has been dramatically increasing in recent years.

But what is this invisible threat exactly?  And how does it impact us? Ultraviolet radiation is measured in nanometers (nm). It is categorized in three basic terms and classified by the strength of the UV ray:

UVC: These rays are below 280 nm. The upper atmosphere absorbs these so they do not reach us, therefore protection from these rays is not overly necessary. UVB: These are between 315 – 380 nm. These manage to make it to the earth’s surface and are notorious for damaging sight. They can cause snow blindness, but are notably responsible for sunburn and several types of skin cancer. Research has shown that these rays are strongest during the summer and at …


Vision Source Members – Our Dream is to Deliver on Your Dreams

Posted on Monday, April 30, 2018

For over 25 years, Optos has been Delivering on Dreams at Work with regard to ultra-widefield(UWF™) retinal imaging. And we will continue to deliver on our dream at work – enabling all Vision Source doctors to make optomap their primary choice for retinal imaging.


optomap is the ONLY:

• Single-capture 200° UWF retinal image • UWF retinal imaging technology supported by 500+ clinical papers • UWF retinal imaging product in over 1800 Vision Source practices


Connect with us at the Exchange, booth #701 or at one of our sessions listed below:

CE – Diabetes. Seeing is Believing. What Surprises Are In Store for You? Wednesday, May 2 Doctors Jeffry Gerson and Laurie Sorrenson


Exhibit Theatre Sessions (limited to the first 32 guests) Thursday, May 3 8:30 – 8:50pm David Nelson, OD optomap af – beyond color retinal imaging


Friday, May 4 11:30– 11:50am Alex Martin, OD Learn how your staff can affect acceptance and utilization of optomap in your practice

7:00 – 7:20pm Brad Yates, VP of Product Management Advance your knowledge of OptosAdvance image management and the key benefits of OptosCloud.

  Saturday, May 5 12:30 – 12:50pm Sharon Shepard, Director of Digital Marketing Leverage …


Women (and Especially those Over 40) – It is Time to Pay Attention to Your Eye Health!

Posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April is Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month, which may, at first glance, seem a bit of a niche concern. However, according to the organization Prevent Blindness, women make up the majority of the 4.4 million Americans, age 40 and older, who are visually impaired or blind.  More women than men have age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma.  These numbers will only continue to increase in the years to come.

Although there are no cures for some of these diseases, many of the effects may be lessened through early detection and treatment.  A 2015 survey found that one in four women had not received an eye exam in the past two years. Since women may not be aware that they are at greater risk than men of developing eye disease that could lead to serious vision impairment, practitioners can take the opportunity during Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month to stress the importance of paying attention to eye health and the importance of an annual eye exam.

A comprehensive eye exam should include a thorough examination of the retina, including an optomap, which is complementary to a DFE and an excellent tool for screening and for patient education. Because an optomap image …


Doctor Discovers His Own Pathology with Proven UWF Technology

Posted on Wednesday, March 28, 2018

When Vince Young, OD introduced the Daytona from Optos in his practice, he volunteered to be the imaging guinea pig while his staff was being trained on the device.  He was unnerved when he reviewed his images with the trainer and somewhat uncertain about what he was actually seeing.  He knew what a posterior subcapsular cataract (PSC) looked like through the slit lamp but was surprised by what the optomap image laid evident.  While optomap is known for being able to penetrate through medial opacities far better than white light modalities, a PSC, which tends to be denser than other types of cataract, will cast a shadow on the retina revealing the issue. A concerned Dr. Young sent the image to his wife, Lindsey Brewer Young, OD.  When she reviewed the image on her phone she immediately responded, questioning whose eye she was regarding.  Learning it was her husband’s image she returned to the clinic, conducted a dilated exam, and confirmed that it was indeed a PSC that had been revealed in the optomap image.

Young, who is 40, had no reason to suspect he would have cataracts which are more typically associated with the elderly population.  A subcapsular cataract occurs at …